Great Father’s Day

What a great Father’s Day!

Ron set up the Sonos on the deck and we listened to the Pandora Brazilian channel during dinner and for me, afterwards, with coffee and the NY Times.

Grilled swordfish and salad and a choice of four(!) desserts for supper.

Had brunch with Cindy and Cathy.

Did laundry, changed the sheets, did the transfer station run, planted two little Forget-Me-Nots in the corner garden.

Received info from an email correspondent who is part of the online DNA/Adoption community.  She may have found my father!

Uploaded his GEDCOM and attached my DNA record to it.  Should know soon if I have DNA matches to both his his mother’s and father’s family.  If this man is my father, then I have every reason to be proud.  We think he was of Quaker background and may have been a conscientious objector in WWII and an MIT grad.

After decades of being ashamed of my background, with all the smug secrecy behind it, this is disconcerting, but in a good way.  This man was not married when he met my mother, and I wonder if she even told him about me.  For all their “liberal” pretensions, the couple that bought me have every reason to be ashamed of their selfish, duplicitous possessiveness, and I have every reason to be proud of my heritage.

Got my eyes checked yesterday and ordered new glasses.

Better Day

Yesterday started with a nasty, accusatory email from the Chair of the Library Board.  I shot back an answer.

I was wrapped around a couple of issues for NEPS and MRS.

In the way of productive activity, I started removing James’ strawberries from the overgrown flower and herb garden and am soaking them in a Neptune’s mixture.

Bought some pretty annuals at 25% off at the Wholesale Nursery.  Removed and repotted the pansies from the shed window boxes and put them in shade so we can enjoy them a little longer.  Finished planting the new flowers this morning.

This morning, I finished edging the fence garden, put mulch around the new butterfly bush “patch” and fed Neptune’s to the roses.  The carpet roses have started to bloom: excellent.

Watered the two new veggie gardens and picked up a propane refill at Breakaway.  Line was too long at Town Hall and I didn’t have a checkbook, so I paid online for a transfer station sticker.

Ron put up the awning a couple of days ago.  He did it in the morning.  We’d tried to install it the night before, but it didn’t seem to fit correctly.  I don’t understand it, since the measurements looked correct.


Drove Robert to work and dumped the load from Joyce’s yard at the transfer station.  That service makes life so much easier!

Picked up a book “The Shack” at the library.

Drove Alpha to Camp Lyndon for a YAG meeting and mowed the lawn at Edgewater, back and front.  Finished at 3:45.

Full Day

Helped Joyce J. with her backyard – gorgeous property, she maintains it (age 83).   It was pure pleasure to be there and the work was easy: loading branches and weeding on the truck and spreading mulch.

Did another hour-plus stint at Highfield.  Found a Jack in the Pulpit!

Came home, showered, drove James to his new job.  He looked sharp in a vest and tie!  Picked up our CSA produce.

First official Trustees meeting.  Dinner later with Joe and Laura.

Blood; Wholesale Nursery; 7 Stars

I donated blood yesterday; can give again on August 8; and went to the Wholesale Nursery with Laura for bargain (25% off) perennials and shade plants.

Got everything into the ground and/or pots: nepeta, monarda (bee balm), salvia.

Made rhubarb sauce (very good) and mourned the old asparagus plants which I seem to have butchered.  BLTs with lettuce from the garden.  Pizza for supper; Ron was down all day and I thought that would cheer him up (it did).

Went to Seven Stars academy for a free one-hour women’s self-defense lesson last evening.  I’ve been wanted to attend a workshop like this for a long time.  I was paired with the owner’s daughter for practice, which was like having a private instructor – she’s a second degree Black Belt!


Rain has started, and from the radar, looks like it won’t amount to much.  We were hoping for a t-storm.  Glad I watered the fenced gardens(4) this morning.

Combined the dahlias and put them in the big pot.  Transplanted basil and the rosemary.  Watched Laura and Eric take down their fence.

Cleaned the frig.

Considered attending the New Bedford Jazz Festival this afternoon, but the thought of being huddled in a tent with a crowd was a turn off, although I am sorry to miss it.

Nice supper last night: tenderloin steaks, baguette, salad.