Grandsons Like Crudités?!

I made a plate of crudités for us but Ron was not in the mood, so he suggested we bring them for the boys.

Glad they liked them!

I swept the lawn at the end of the driveway. That sounds stupid, but I was able to clear sand that had “floated” to the top, rocks and other debris, thus clearing some good soil. Overseeded, fertilized and watered. Plan to do the front yard tomorrow.

Brought Alpha to her YAG meeting. Had a nice conversation on the way.

Did a load of laundry. Paid bills. Picked up some loam at the transfer station. Stopped by Mashpee Dental about a claim.

Yesterday, I ran the lawn mower over the compost in the new garden plot in the back. That seemed to work pretty well. Removed the tarps from the herb garden extension and layered on more material.

Made a terrific slaw and grilled swordfish.