Will You Just…Shut…Up

I’m on the 8:40 from Bourne and seated ahead of me is a babbling idiot with a grating voice. I can hear him 4 rows away.

I met with a couple of docs yesterday at the Tufts Dermatology department. They excised a tick and gave me a couple of prescriptions. I was pretty much out of it for the rest of the day and didn’t really start to feel better until about 7:50 this morning.

Took the train from Middleboro yesterday. Even with the babbling idiot, I like the bus better. A person sitting next to me yesterday smelled so bad that I ended up standing in the aisle, there being no seats. A nice woman moved her stuff so I could sit. She reminded me of Alison Layton, a lady I used to work with in California: one of a very few memories worth keeping.