Beyond Stupid

I’m not sure who is stupider about finance: Ron or First Citizens Credit Union.

Ron screwed up his password and needed to have it reset.

The officious “customer service” people refused to speak with him if I was included in the conversation. Even though the call was about our joint savings account. Evidently they haven’t heard of ADA or accommodations for people with hearing problems.

Since I couldn’t help him according to the credit union, I wrote everything down that Ron needed to slog through a conversation with one of these cretins. Didn’t work.

Ron couldn’t figure out the difference between their 800 number, a local 413 number and his account number. He couldn’t tell them our old Mashpee phone number. He didn’t know the difference between his login ID and his email address.

I was so angry that I slipped and fell, tore off a handle on the hutch and landed on the floor. Ron thought it was more important to retrieve the handle than help me. Luckily, I don’t seem to be hurt more than a long scratch on my back. It’s a good thing I can get myself up off the floor when I need to! No assistance available here.

As if this wasn’t enough idiocy for the morning, I called the people at Mt. Greylock Visitors Center to let them know, in accordance with their email earlier today, that I wouldn’t be attending their program. They asked if I’d cancelled on Event Brite. This wasn’t mentioned as a necessary step in their email, so I suggested next time, they add it. I got an argument about that.

Figuring I was already in trouble with them, I plowed ahead with another suggestion: shorter walks, perhaps 1 hour instead of 3. Reason is that if someone is on a trail and needs to quit, it might be difficult or even impossible to find their way back. Got another argument about that: I should take that into consideration myself before signing up for a walk.

I think that’s enough dealing with people for one day.