Lizzie Is Not Feeling Well; Ravs and Sauce

Lizzie’s stomach rebelled on her this morning, so we’re taking it easy on feeding her for now.

Ron wanted to cook a package of ravioli last evening, and I offered to make sauce with the Brandywine tomatoes that escaped squirrels and mold.

We collaborated very well. Ron is especially good at seasoning. I’m not sure how he does it with his semi-working sniffer, but his sauce is always better than mine.

We sauteed the remaining Gilroy garlic from last year along with basil from the garden. Added tomatoes, the rest of the dreadful red wine from Job Lot and a little sugar to counteract the bitterness of the wine. We used Italian and Tuscan seasonings, salt, pepper, a little cinnamon and (per Ron) chili powder.

Sauce turned out great and the ravs were as well. Good supper.