Visit with Free; Roasting Vegetables

We got to bring Free to the house while Geri had dental surgery in North Falmouth. I was impressed with the doctors.

She stayed with us for a couple of hours so she could eat and get her bearings. Free devoured treats and eggs with cheese! Ron did a good-sized shop for her and drove the lot of us to West Barnstable. We stopped at S&S on the way home.

I didn’t do a whole lot else. Dropped off kale to Cindy’s car at work and washed/prepped/stored vegetables from the prior day’s CSA.

Roasted a pile of vegetables this morning: carrots, turnip, brussel sprouts, cabbage, spaghetti squash, broccoli. Baked potatoes. Made a medium-sized salad.

Brought in the new chair so Ron could put rust preventative on it. Stupidly, I’d left the wheelbarrow and a hoe outside, so put them in as well. The wheelbarrow needed a brief wash. Unpleasant, it’s been raining all day.