Visit with Old Friend; Rain

Ed came by, and we had a really nice visit yesterday. Was good to see him. He’s pleased with our upgrades and gardens.

It rained pretty much all day, great for the plants.

We went to the last Falmouth Eats Together at the Methodist church, then did errands: banking, Walmart for my Rx, Cumby for the van.

Several accidents and heavy traffic for a while in downtown Falmouth.

A careless driver almost T-boned us at the intersection of Worcester Court and Spring Bars. Probably should be a 4-way stop there. The van started making a groaning noise with hard right turns afterwards.

I harvested almost all of the rhubarb and made sauce. Salads for lunch and supper.

Did some research to see if I could find the Hopper houses and landscapes in Truro.
