Christmas and Thoughts on Wealth

I finally found a definition: wealth equals the difference between assets that can be liquidated and debts.

Median wealth for White families is somewhere around $116,000. That includes equity in properties. We may be close to that even with no investments other than two houses. It’s kind of a meaningless, dumb measure, though, since it doesn’t take into account income streams from retirement plans and Social Security. I think so anyway.

Speaking of which, I keep my fingers crossed that Ron’s retirement plans remain financially stable. He keeps an eye out for this.

Made chili for Christmas dinner with a pile of different vegetables – onion, garlic, green pepper, spinach, black beans, celery, carrot, tomatoes – and started a tofu stir fry.

Connie dropped off a beautiful plate of sweets yesterday, and I’ve devoured most of them by now. Feeling guilty.