Truck; Paint Disposal

Saw signs that toxic waste disposal is happening at the high school this weekend, so we put old acrylic paint cans in the small shed and latex paint for drying in the big shed.

Dropped off the truck early for its appointment.  Am gobsmacked by Falmouth Toyota!  Far superior to Hyannis Toyota.  What a setup.  Mentioned that vH referred me.

Turns out it needs a fairly minor repair, under $300.  Asked them to add a stopper to the driver side seatbelt and check out the foldout window on the passenger side.  They say the fluids are fine: big relief.

We did a shop at Market Basket, needed cat litter for the paint disposal project and ended up buying coffee, cereal, broccoli/cheese soup, custard pie on sale, swiss cheese, yogurt, no-salt pasta sauce and vegetable broth that have become difficult to find, and one or two other things.  Dropped off a strawberry rhubarb pie on sale for Peter.

Soup and egg salad sandwiches for lunch.  Really hit the spot.  Rotini with pesto-enhanced tomato sauce and salad for supper.  Custard pie for dessert.