Good Deal for Lizzie; Good Checkup

On the way to drop Tony off at Mashpee Auto, I mentioned a trip to Stop & Shop. He asked which one, (South) Sandwich or Mashpee.

Turns out, Sandwich was a great suggestion: scored a manager’s special on chicken for the Fussy Eater who’s been refusing expensive canned food.

Steamed chicken thighs at a dollar and change a pound with rice and vegetables is nice enough for us, if we were still meat eaters, and seem to taste better than the $6 a day canned stuff that she no longer wants.

I’m starting to gather prices for James’ ADU prep. Met with a tree removal person yesterday. Nice fellow and he called today to follow up. Got some info on engineering: surprise, surprise.

Received the promised gift certificate to Lowe’s from HSC earlier this week.

Had a great checkup yesterday at Mashpee Dental. Ron has a $55+ credit, so good news for him, too.

Lunch with James; Good News for Ron

I made two salads: green and potato, hung out the wash and got lunch ready for James’ visit. Wasn’t done with cleanup until around 3:30. Put on the fresh sheets.

Fine visit, lots of conversation.

Applied for a remote job at a company in Plymouth, hardeeharhar.

Sent out requests today for septic work.

Good financial news for Ron: he was going to pay a bill from last August for lab work, in person. We’ve been fighting this for weeks, calls and even visits to the doctor’s office. He’s been assured multiple times that it will be rebilled under the correct service code.

Incredibly, it worked: I had a feeling that we should check his balance first and turns out, he owes them nothing. Looks like Medicare covered it in full.

Later on, Tony asked for a ride home from an auto repair shop. Ron volunteered but didn’t know which shop or where it was. An hour later, he caught up with Tony. Such is the world of Ron.

Meanwhile, I watched Day 4 of the Select Committee Hearings on January 6.

Nice invite from Betsy to visit. I’d love to see them, but their lifestyle is too much for me: too many people for too many hours. She invited Lizzie, too, but Doggo deposited trumps in the house two days in a row, and neither of us want that to happen in someone else’s home.


Ron sawed off a huge branch from the pine tree that was overshadowing the Redbud.

He did it smart, hacking chunks at a time. As a result, there was little damage to the plants underneath.

He had to stop when it started raining and there were warnings of a thunderstorm. Turned out not to be so, but a hazardous task would have been even worse on a wet ladder.

So, now we have a pile of wood to haul to the transfer station. We were able to stuff it all into the truck.

I kept my promise to clean up the kitchen this morning and glad he left it. It’s easier done after a decent night’s sleep.

Washed the truck.

Lizzie trumped last night; Ron washed her blanket. Poor guy, no rest for the weary!

Mowing; Cleaning

Ron mowed, front and back, yesterday.

While trying to clean up the kitchen before turning in last night, I dropped about half a carton’s worth of vanilla ice cream, a good portion of which landed under the frig. I got it cleaned up.

Lizzie trumped in her bed; she was wide awake, too, as far as I could tell. I washed her rear with Ron’s help on the deck.

Watched the third day of the January 6 commission hearings.

Celtics lost their opportunity for another NBA championship last night.

Everything got watered this morning.


Brought Lizzie to get her face hair trimmed and nails cut. Will bring her back for a full groom on Saturday.

Did a wash, hung it out. First time using the new washer. The automatic water level feature was a surprise (I haven’t read the manual).

Finished window cleaning.

Made pancakes for Ron, who refuses to eat breakfast before noon or later and is fussing about credit cards and furious (“How did this happen?!!!!”) that I didn’t replace a Wampanoag artifact correctly in one of his windows which, by the way, were beyond filthy.

How anyone who is so meticulous about his appearance can live in so much dust and is beyond me.

Had a conversation with Arden from HAC about adding a tiny house to the property.

Another Tough Night

Lizzie barked, sometimes insistently, sometimes plaintively, and both of us got up to see what was wrong, first Ron, then me around 3 am.

She wasn’t hungry or thirsty and didn’t need to go out. Turning on the nightlight in the kitchen seemed to calm her. She finally settled down on the kitchen rug, her head butted up against the frig.

Fearsome thunderstorm last night, but brief and almost no rain, disappointingly.

Ron and I hung out sheets and other laundry.

I made basmati rice, corn on the cob and stir fry with tofu. All turned out well.

Humid and very warm, not a great day for outdoor work. I did prune some gone-by blooms and finally staked the peony in the back. Disposed of the garlic in the shed. Cooked four sweet potatoes, threw three in the compost.

Saw some of the January 6 hearing this morning on Fox.

Went to the transfer station late in the day. Put the garlic in the food recycling, recycled paper, cardboard and metal and got rid of the yard waste. Barely made it; by the time we left, Ryan had blocked the road to brush recycling and Rich had closed the front gate.

Tough Night for Lizzie

Ron was up 3 or 4 times, I was up once, at 3 am. Lizzie trumped in the house once but otherwise just seemed to want company.

I did some weeding today in the middle of the yard. Grilled burgers.

Dropped in to the Amity Race Day event. Saw several people I know, which was nice. Shared a bluefish/potato dish from the Tribe vendor with Ron, who stayed home with Lizzie.

Rained a little. We are supposed to get more.

Good Start

I weeded the corner garden and transplanted several white Penstemon from the front where weeds used to be. Watered and mulched. Pruned the purple hydrangea by the driveway. Planted the little Sandwich Slicer tomato.

Went to the LCP meeting but couldn’t hear so left about half way through.

Figured out a way to tie up a plant with yellow foxglove-type flowers that flops over every year. Sawed off a dowel to hold it and hope it works.

Kitchen rugs are back in place.

Ron is doing laundry. It’s getting uncomfortably warm outside in the sun, so I’m taking a break.

Got Nothing Done

Wendy texted early about yesterday’s Sewer Commission meeting, which I’d forgotten to watch. Caught it on video. We had a long conversation. Mary called later to ask if I was going to either Town event this weekend.

Watched an hour or so of the hearing last night. Liz Cheney was great.

Picked up my repaired glasses at Bayview. They squared away my reading/computer glasses which had been fitted incorrectly. Much better.

Aside from cleaning up after Lizzie who escaped to the street this morning and taking her for a very brief walk in the field, which was mowed this week, didn’t do much else besides finish off the box of saltine crackers and sleep.