The July humidity found us this morning. While it’s not overly hot, the air is still moderately demotivating, poor sleeping weather. The garden, which was so beautiful two weeks ago, is past peak, reflecting the slow decline of the Larkspurs and the Bachelor Buttons.
Think Thin Is Virtuous?
Progressive journalist Lakshmi Chaudhry’s latest article on is an interview with Paul Campos, the author of a “provocative” new book titled “The Obesity Myth: Why America’s Obsession With Health is Hazardous to Your Health.”
It is one of the best articles I’ve read anywhere, any time, by anyone, about anything.
Here’s an excerpt:
This is turning out to be a pretty good week.
The Senate, including the man-who-should-be-president, John McCain, gave the Bush Administration an “FU” on its latest exercise in right-wing pandering.
I had a nice project start-up lunch with a client and afterwards, caught the commuter rail to see the new Boston Conference and Exposition Center yesterday as a Macworld attendee.
I think the facility is every bit as nice as Moscone, but the absence of places to eat (and to park) is a nuisance. In decent weather, it’s a nice walk from South Station, though.
Grandson Was Right
Yesterday I took off the afternoon to keep my grandsons company while their Mom brought their sister to a doctor’s appointment.
Sunday Morning
I don’t want to do anything today but post to the weblog and watch the light change. I don’t want to shower, dress, change sheets, pay bills, fight the tourons on the roads and the supermarkets, or read about the haves and have-mores that swamp the news and entertainment sections of both the print and online media.
Gardener’s Diary
The unnamed yellow flowers on the outside of the fence have gone by, but there are at least a dozen deep purple flowers on the Clematis, the second Penstemon is blooming and Peter’s garden has a couple of huge, healthy black-eyed Susans growing out of the rock border.
Unconscious Mutterings
This week’s list from Luna Niña:
A little over an hour ago, I saw a coyote trotting down the street, first time I’ve spotted one in this neighborhood.
Not a Bad Week (and It’s Only Thursday)
So, Kenny-Boy has finally been indicted, with SEC charges pending.
John Kerry announced his pick for VP, causing failed businessman but favored son mega-millionaire one-term governor George Bush to fume about the lack of experience of self-made mega-millionaire trial lawyer turned one-term Senator John Edwards.
Friend Cathy found herself a term-to-perm gig as a staff accountant at a well-established local company, and an on-Cape transfer opportunity opened up for Tony.
Candace Mary’s new fence is about 90% done.
The Coreopsis have come back and the Lupine and transplanted hostas are blooming. The hanging planter of New Guineau impatiens that holds the little wren’s nest (with at least one fuzzy baby) has an incredible abundance of healthy, dark green leaves, no doubt due to the Nitrogen infusion from its tenants.
Thanks be to God, what else can possibly go right this week?!
Unconscious Mutterings
Enough of the conscious kind, here’s this week’s list from Luna Niña: