Wacka Wacka

An episode of the Biography Channel series “I Survived” includes the story of a woman who was raped, shot 3 times and left for dead by one Jamaal Adrian Turner, who was captured when he returned to the scene of the crime to show his friends what he had done to his victim.
She escaped, Turner is in jail, and earlier this year, he posted a personal ad on a dating web site.
A nutcase who calls herself “Janice223” wrote some bizarre entries about all of this on the Biography Channel’s message board.
Her ideas are so twisted that one hopes they are either a joke in exceptionally bad taste, or maybe a political dirty trick.
If this is a reflection an actual point of view, then we have a great deal to fear.

Any Bets?

So, Sarah Palin and her husband announced that their 17 year old daughter, Bristol, is pregnant.
When do we suppose Governor Palin will gracefully withdraw from the race? I would bet that it happens some time tomorrow, giving John McCain a day before his acceptance speech to name another running mate.
Wonder if he’ll take a chance on Lieberman?

Sarah, Good and Bad

I respect John McCain for getting back to his maverick roots by selecting Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate.
There are things about her that I don’t like, her anti-choice stance being the main one. Note by the way that Ron Paul is also anti-abortion, as is the loathesome Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party’s candidate for President.

Continue reading Sarah, Good and Bad

Code of Honor

A friend whose opinion I respect and I were talking the other day about the dysfunctionality we’ve noticed in Cape Cod employer/employee relations.
Her theory – and I think it’s a good one – is that because of the high rate of alcoholism, workers here are accustomed to living in abusive situations, so they don’t stand up to it in the office.
This contrasts with her feeling, and mine, that a self-respecting person doesn’t have to tolerate bad treatment. It puts a whole new spin on the supposed virtue of “being able to take it” as neurotic and masochistic, rather than the much-admired “having a thick skin”.

Continue reading Code of Honor

You Read It Here First

As a result of the Democratic leadership’s failure to challenge the mistreatment of Hillary Clinton, I predict that we are going to see an increase in the number of incidents involving young Black men treating older White women with contempt and disrespect.
After all, haven’t the leadership of the Democratic party and the boys at MSNBC given their permission – nay, their blessing – on this particular brand of sociopathy?
In the stratospheric world of the Kerrys, Kennedys, Pelosis and Deans, such things are inconceivable, so it’s impossible to expect that they will acknowledge this as a possibility, let alone take responsibility for it.
It happened to me last evening at a community event at which I was a volunteer. All I can say is, if you’re a middle-aged White woman, watch your back.

We’ve Seen This Before

I grew up in a household where reading the New York Times was a sacred Sunday ritual, but recently, I’ve been perusing the online version for different reasons.
First, I enjoy and learn a lot from reading columns by David Brooks and Paul Krugman. Equally important, though, I want to keep in touch with what the “enemy” is thinking via the opinions of the Times’ editorial board.

Continue reading We’ve Seen This Before

Heart of Darkness

The anorexic Barack Obama, aging Joe Biden and permanently disabled John McCain have presented a depressing spectacle this campaign season.
I hadn’t realized this until seeing Governor Sarah Palin yesterday.
This healthy, fit, outdoors-loving, apple-cheeked woman looks to be the only person in the race who has the physical good health and emotional stability to actually serve as Commander In Chief.

Continue reading Heart of Darkness

Ten Percent

I read that 10% of the delegates to the Democratic convention are teachers.
That means that 10% of the funny hat people we’ve been watching on TV this week have no idea what merit pay is, or what it’s like to be in fear of losing your job over petty office bullshit.

Continue reading Ten Percent


Pardon me, but I don’t understand the starry-eyed response from certain parties to the first set of Democratic Convention speakers, particularly Ted Kennedy and Michelle Obama.
First, I couldn’t figure out who Michelle was there to talk about, her brother? Her Dad? Her opening was nonsensical, out of context, like we’d broken in uninvited to a private conversation.
I admire Ted’s courage in facing down cancer, and if his speech had been in support of Hillary Clinton, maybe I would have found it moving and even historic.
But he’s supporting an empty suit, and that’s not exactly blockbuster material.

Continue reading Yawn