A Wish Come True

100_6313Years ago, when I worked at the MITRE Corporation, two of my reports started courting.

He had a house on the Cape with a garden, and one day, she walked in with an armload of flowers.

That made quite an impression on me.

The person with the flowers was, perhaps still is petite, dark-haired, big-eyed. The kind of person who gets armloads of flowers out of simple appreciation for her prettiness.

I, on the other hand, am mannish-looking, with small eyes, a broad nose, flat cheekbones, a prominent chin and a too-small mouth. The kind of person who gets abuse from men and hateful stares, or gets called “sir” in public meetings.

Ron had given me some lovely flowers a few days ago, and I coddled them along for as long as I could, but today I had to send them to compost.

Ron sighed a bit about that, he loves flowers and growing things generally, so I promised to make an arrangement from our garden.

This is the result. An armload of cut flowers. From my garden. On the Cape.


Ron drove the van to GMC/Hyannis last evening without incident.

We went by truck to Plymouth today for a seminar on knee replacement surgery. Picked up some nice duds at Savers, briefly checked out Pinehills and did a small shop at Market Basket.

Good to be home before the traffic. It’s 8° cooler in the house than the blazing 86° outside.

Since we’ve decided not to schlep to Wareham, we can actually look forward to Fourth of July this year: only 3 weeks away.

We Have Tomatoes!

Last night’s dinner was great: beef kabobs that Ron had marinated, salad and a used lemon meringue pie.

Drove Alpha to her weekly session with her therapist and Robert to work. Peter is in SF for conferences this week.

Planted the tomato plants that Emma gave us. She’d called us on Monday afternoon with an invite to visit and have supper.

We got to see Gabriel; what a sweet baby!

Spotted five tomatoes in the vegetable garden!

Numbered the soaker hoses: 21. Hope to organize a watering schedule.

Laura invited us for dinner, and we got to visit with her, Joe and Laura’s sister Ellen. Lucy the cat is getting used to her surroundings and made several forays outside. Landscape work continues in their yard with a complete transplant of the foundation shrubs.

Strauss Waltzes, Prickly Pear, Medieval French Polyphony

…, laundry, New York Times, and the usual Sunday chores as well.

We’ve had some “used” prickly pears in the frig for two months. I finally prepped the ones that were still edible today. Quite tasty!

Roses started blooming today.

Watered the flowers along the fence – 3 soakers – and Emme’s garden. Painted more markers.

Ron power-washed the front siding, front door, windows, lamp post and garden cart at Edgewater while I did the transfer station run and some raking in the grass garden.

I fell asleep on the couch.

Supposed to be a lazy day (it wasn’t)

We vowed to do nothing but it didn’t turn out that way.

Put the grill back together on the porch. Did more watering (rhodies and the corner garden).

Brought the wishing well base, months in the making, to Edgewater. Ended up mowing the back yard and picking up two more bushels of grass in the process. Ron swept the driveway.

Ice cream for dinner. Watched “Anita”.

First Friday Breakfast





The students’ presentation was outstanding. I was honored to write a sponsorship check and give a very short spiel about TEALS.

Ron watered just about everything in the back yard yesterday and power-washed the grill.

My modest contribution was to pull off the minor miracle of a decent evening meal: haddock (on sale at Roche and purchased that afternoon), fresh bread (a Senior Center giveaway), salad (made yesterday by Ron) and brussel sprouts (frozen).

Work is well underway across the street. Laura gave me a tour and invited me to try out their new patio chair: heaven!

I spent some quality time on the phone with a forebearant representative of the mail order prescription company. Looks like I can save some money and a lot of hassle.

Ron got his Bluetooth fixed, thanks to a patient and highly competent cusotmer service rep who walked him through a solution to his problem – on the phone – when a live person could not.

He also booked an appointment with GMC. The stupid van is stalling again.

When RGB, Breyer, Kennedy and Souter Blew It

The conservatives on the Supremes were absolutely right in Kelo vs. New London, an atrocious give-away to Pfizer at the expense of seven citizen homeowners.

The dissenting opinions of O’Connor and Thomas are particularly insightful and in this case, clairvoyant.

In spite of repeated efforts, the redeveloper (who stood to get a 91-acre (370,000 m2) waterfront tract of land for $1 per year) was unable to obtain financing, and the redevelopment project was abandoned. As of the beginning of 2010, the original Kelo property was a vacant lot, generating no tax revenue for the city.[2] In the aftermath of 2011’s Hurricane Irene, the now-closed New London redevelopment area was turned into a dump for storm debris such as tree branches and other vegetation.[13] As of February 2014, it was still vacant.[14][15]

Some, Not Much, Work

I did a light pruning of the blueberry bushes, which are sad again this year, and dug up a big weed that was crowding the Clematis.

Raked leaves and dumped another 40 pounds of lime. Found room for a couple of bags of top soil and compost in the shedette. Spread more grass seed on the shady area near the vegetable garden.

First Stella d’Oro today. We’ve been enjoying the lilacs. We tried mending a big branch that had started to split. “Splinted” it for now, just ordered parafilm grafting tape for a better bond.

Billed Jim for preowned detail. Working on a couple of other small projects.

Alpha’s Graduation Gift

We’ve been at full speed, so today I made time to catch up with family.

Made driving arrangements with Peter next week while he’s at AltConf 2015 and WWDC.

Brought Alpha to Game Stop to shop for her graduation gift. She picked out only one game but the other she wanted was there as well, and since they were both marked down, I bought two for her instead of just one.

Turns out, her gaming system was supposed to be back today after being repaired. Great timing.

I put together my TEALS presentation slides and sent them off to Nathaniel for review.

Emailed questions to Jim about his new lead generation partner’s requirements.

It rained for most of the day, so no flower work, but I did mix 40 pounds of lime into the pile of yard debris in the back and spread a bag of topsoil and grass seed on a low-lying “swamp” next to the vegetable garden.

We’ve been having fun watching the tiny sparrow fledglings swoop around. There seem to be several families here this year, one in Robert’s birdhouse and at least one in the big arbor vitae in the front. Might be a nest in one of the bushes next to the front steps as well.

Ron sautéed the remaining spinach and a box of mushrooms and cooked the corn for supper. I grilled turkey burgers.

Yesterday, Ron and I went to Falmouth to pick up my handouts for the presentation. We stopped at Kappy’s to return bottles and dropped in to Emma’s exhibit at FCTV. By strange coincidence, Emma called last evening! We hope to get together some weekend.


This, from today’s Cape Cod online:

(A)ccording to the 2013 American Resort Development Association’s financial impact study, the average time-share party’s spending per week on vacation is $1,967.

Ron and I were saying yesterday afternoon that we’d just as soon eat at home and enjoy our yard as seek out other diversions. Besides appealing to my fundamental laziness, guess that saves us money.