
Cut down grasses and gone-bys in the back and brought a load to the transfer station.

Made Aleppo pepper scrambled eggs and toasted cranberry bread for breakfast.

We cleaned out weeds and dead leaves from the rose bed and put down cow manure.  Ron raked up a pile of pine needles.

Watched a PBS video about tuberculosis treatment in the US.  Ron’s Dad was a patient at Saranac Lake.

I must have slept about 10 hours last night.


Expected a clobbering at this week’s SPEA meeting, but instead I got an apology and an invite to participate in the neighborhood association.

I set up a new closed Facebook group.

Rain, Baking, Candy from Prague and My Very Own Cat

100_6558 It rained yesterday morning and was foggy for the rest of the day.

After spreading some new grass seed from Waquoit Garden, I spent most of the day baking and cooking.  Made chicken soup and chicken pot pie.

Peter had given us a big bag of fresh cranberries, so I also made two loaves from a Martha Stewart recipe.

100_6540 100_6547Had a nice visit with Laura and Lucy.

Laura gifted us with an exquisite box of chocolate from Prague.  Lucy gave me an adorable cat figurine!


100_6539100_6537Ron is at the bakery today and I figured I could cruise, but nay.

Drove Robert to work as planned.  Picked up turmeric and an on-sale roaster at S&S, but no Heinz 57.

Got an emergency text from Peter asking if I could drive Alpha to Hyannis.  I checked with three more stores for the 57; at Shaw’s, they claimed it’s been discontinued.

As Peter said, call Kerry and get his wife on it.  Ordered some from Amazon.

Had time to pick up a frame for James’ elephant.  Brought Alpha home and started to do some weeding and pruning while waiting for James.  Turns out, his schedule was later than the usual, so Peter offered to drive him, thus allowing me to get back to the house.

I put the spread in the dryer and the roaster in the oven.  Framed James’ elephant.

Weed Man was here for a lime application.  I ran the sprinklers.

Gorgeous day, high 60’s.


More bad dreams last night, this time about being marooned in a hotel in Seattle, incredulous about there being no coffee shops, large buildings abutting the sidewalk, elevators between street floors, working in a new job where all the other women were petite and expensively dressed and a co-worker was fired the day I started, a conference which ended before I could get something to eat from the catered dining room, a missing wallet with all my bank and credit cards: same themes from many other dreams.

To dream of being lost in a city may reflect feelings of being unable to get away from people or social situations that you don’t really like. Feeling that there is no easy way to avoid people without causing an argument or hurting someone’s feelings. Dream Interpretation

Did the transfer station run yesterday, laundered and changed the sheets, checked in a couple of times on Lucy.  Lovely weather, in the 60’s.

Halloween Was a Bust

We had maybe 25 visitors.

100_6534 100_6536The good part is that Alpha came over to have supper with us and to give out candy, but was disappointed that we had so few kids.  I thought she looked very cute as her cosplay character!

Ron was hurting, so I did the driving.  Robert worked on Halloween.

Day Before Halloween

Ron was at the bakery.  He had pizza for lunch and a bonus for the week!

Slow cooker dinner, turned out very well.

I drove James to work and got a last-minute request from Alpha to drive her to a job interview in East Falmouth!  We had time for her to change at the house, and I thought she looked quite nice: my slacks, top and shoes.

Looked in on Lucy morning and evening.  She’s eating and talking but not visiting, not yet.  Cleaned her litter box, which needed it.  Thank goodness Laura left several bags.  Realized only this morning that I forgot to turn off a light, so took care of that and left more food for Lucy.

Getting discouraged about the last overseeding.  It’s been a week and there should be signs of grass shoots.  Either it’s been too cold or the old grass seed was no good.  At this point, think I’ll wait until Spring to try again.

First Week; Rain

Yesterday I finished my first week at the bakery, two days a week.  Ron is working today, three days a week.

It’s been raining since yesterday afternoon; we’ve had a deluge from time to time.

Ron was caught in it last night on the way home from his MRI appointment at Cape Cod Hospital.

Except for Ron’s work and my visiting Lucy, we have no other commitments today: no kids to drive, no Senior Center and no watering!