Ron Gets It Done

Ron hauled a truckload of branches to the transfer station. The “U” looks so much better, except that one of the big hibiscus plants was smashed. Ron reserved oak leaves for Emma’s sheep. He even made a nice monkfish and seven vegetable* stir-fry!

James put up his new curtains, and they look great! I ordered another set for his third window.

Had a helpful conversation with a Rockland mortgage person yesterday. He identified yet another piece of BS that we’ve been fed from Mike’s “algorithm”, this time, about escrowing, which is not required with a loan:value less than 80%.

I am keen on replacing the vanities and medicine cabinets at Edgewater.

*Celery, carrots, kale, peppers, swiss chard, scapes, corn

Another Big Water Bill?

Maybe we should consider a well: Ron left the backyard faucet on all night, again.

James and Joe finished the fence and got a “thank you” from the next door neighbors’ parents. I did some cleanup in front.

Burgers and corn for supper last night; produce, mostly raw, tonight.

Good visit with Dr. G today. Cholesterol is down from December.

Ron did a pile of yardwork today, mostly brush cutting, a little mowing and raking leaves (believe it or not, we still had/have tons).

WeedMan was here to put down grub treatment, so we had to water afterwards. Gave the front a good, long watering since we haven’t done that yet this season/year?

Bellflowers are blooming in the corner garden. A quite different variety (Campanula glomerata “superba”) from the ones at Edgewater (Lady Bells? Campanulaceae Adenophora?).

More Fence Material

Picked up more backing rails and pickets today at Eagle. Exchanged the curtain rods for smaller ones and got some bug catchers for the bedroom windows.

Ron had a checkup at Emerald. I stopped at C-Lab for a fasting blood test first thing this morning, then picked up bagels and bread at S&S. Ron did the same at the Senior Center. He went out later for lunch fixings.

This evening, I tagged along when Ron drove Robert home. We stopped on the way back at Roche. I splurged on cut fruit, haddock chowder and a big box of assorted cookies.


Intestinal Distress; Water Filter

I’ve had off and on intestinal distress since 11 last night. It hit Ron late this afternoon.

We can’t figure out what we might have eaten that would cause this. Maybe produce, although I thought I washed everything pretty well.

Typical Sunday even so: laundry, change sheets, transfer station run.

I transplanted the violas, pansies and many bulbs, and planted the new flowers from Lowe’s. The window boxes look bare.

Ron washed out dozens of plant containers for recycling. I dug a hole for stones.

Brought tools over to Edgewater so James could trim the bushes. He’s trying to raise $600 to buy equipment for his senior project. Very exciting, and it’s great that he’s interested and able to do work outdoors. He has a job interview tomorrow, so not sure what kind of time he’ll have if he starts working, but he’s already accomplished a lot.

Ron changed the filter in the water pitcher. He also installed the portable A/C this week.

Picked up curtain rods for James. He loves our yard!

Bourne; Rain

The boys did a fantastic job, fixing the fence at Edgewater. They are willing to do more work.

The grass garden is quite beautiful now. Weeding, mulching and fence repair made a huge difference.

I brought more old landscape timbers and fencing to Bourne this morning, and dropped off lampshades and a poster at the swap shop.

Picked up another bag of black mulch to finish up the moonlight garden. Got it down before torrential rain caught up with us. Glad we got cages on the tomatoes and a hoop on the campanula at Edgewater. We have so many tomato plants from last year that I’m not sure what to do with them: thin out, leave them, transplant.

Untangled a bunch of weeds from the larkspur.

Eye Exam

Fit in an eye exam this afternoon. Had been scheduled for noon, was able to postpone it to 4. Doc graciously introduced me to his daughter and wife. Charming folks.

Downloading SQL 2016 to RAGNAR. Problems with WiFi on RAGNAR this morning. Checked the drivers, seem to be current.

Fortunately, I don’t need SonicWALL for the moment, so switched to Wireless on WORKERBEE.

Nice “attagirl” from Jim B.

Ron is mowing the lawn. It looks horrible. We are short on rain for June.

Stella D’Oros have started. Front of the house is pretty with the geraniums, larkspur, penstemon and evening primrose.

What’s Blossoming Now

Driving rain briefly this morning.

Roses (all of them)
Iris (last of them)
Penstemon (have been blooming for a while)
Evening primrose
Larkspur (just started)
Squash, or could be pumpkin or cukes

A few beans survived being eaten by pests. Small tomatoes on several plants.


I stumbled onto the discount nursery’s half price sale on Saturday and picked up 8 plants.

This was in between flying back and forth to Eagle Fence to return the wrong backing rails – for which we were charged double – and pick up three good ones.

Yesterday, I planted everything, including daylilies and two bellflowers at Edgewater, three daylilies in the front corner garden here, and two hibiscus in the back.

Also celebrated Cathy’s birthday brunch with Cindy at Celestino’s, did the transfer station run and changed sheets. Ron did three loads of laundry.

It’s been humid and on the warm side, high 70’s, low 80’s. We have coped so far with just the fans.

Peter gave us a set of heavy duty plastic plates and glasses for Father’s Day.

Started today with the people in Maryland, Skype call. Downloaded project.