Take a look at the pictures of this married couple from Clackamas County, Ore. and consider how you would describe their faces: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=4550151&page=1
Absent of remorse?
Good-looking, well-groomed, healthy, maybe even financially comfortable*?
These are the faces of couple who let their 15 month old baby die out of some kind of perverse so-called religious belief.
I look at these people, who have everything going for them, and wonder how they could have been so selfish, or so weak, or so stupid, when someone like me, who had none of their advantages, managed to raise a child to adulthood.
“There but for the grace of God” I understand, but this? I just don’t get it.
*Clackamas County, Ore, ain’t exactly Hooterville: the county’s median income in 2004 was $67,900.