Thoughts on Iowa

So, Huckabee and Obama won, and we are waiting for the cantankerous New Hampshire voters to upset the outsider apple carts.
As it turns out, the NH primaries have been a much better predictor of national election results than the Iowa caucuses: 70% accuracy over the last ten Presidential elections.

I’m guessing McCain for the Republicans. At this point, the party leadership has got to be contemplating hemlock over the possibility of launching yet another Evangelical Christian candidate. As the pundits said, it’s the Financial Right versus the Religious Right wings of the party who have to duke this one out.
I would be disappointed if the hard-headed Northern New Englanders don’t support Clinton or Edwards. I believe that just about any Republican hopeful except Huckabee could beat Obama in the general.
Obama is a terrific speaker and with his charm and personal international credentials, might make a great Secretary of State. Holding a Cabinet position in the next administration, whether it’s State or something else, would give him the opportunity to rack up a record of accomplishment that would support a future candidacy. But, sorry, for this voter, he’s too raw at this point for the top job.