Clean Up, Finally

The fall cleanup made it to the transfer station today, but it took three trips.
On the last of these, Peter loaded and then unloaded nine boxes of books, about half of the library which I’ve been stupidly transporting all these years. This included a massive set of the Encyclopedia Britannica – Peter says you can buy the digital version now for only $70 – and some outdated computer books.
I was able to either recycle or donate most of it, thanks to a new service that reuses CDs and the old reliable services that recycle books, plastics, paper, metal, glass, cardboard and chipboard.
I’m still nursing my leg, so took the rest of the day pretty easy. Earlier this evening, I cooked a small pork loin, mashed potatoes and homemade applesauce with cranberries and maple syrup, enough for at least three meals.
I picked up the cranberries yesterday at Makepeace’s annual festival, which was a lot of fun and educational as well.
Today was cool and cloudy, a nice contrast to yesterday which was a little too warm for October.