Truly Random Thoughts

The spin-off from Geico’s clever Caveman commercials was, as predicted, a train wreck (or car wreck).

CapeCoder is alive and well.
I’ve been trying to understand why the Cape is so socially conservative, at least the Upper Cape. I’ve come up with two possible reasons, one, the influence of the military and two, the presence of well-to-do retirees from large corporations.
I would really like to live in a place where one could walk or ride a bike without worrying about unleashed dogs. There are so many dogs in this neighborhood that it feels like living in a kennel. One of my close friends and neighbors bought a German Shepherd about four months ago and I’ve been hesitant to go to her house since.
I would also like to live in a place where I could walk to a library and a post office.
I am working on this.
The tomato plants are still producing fruit, but most have been cracked, the result of uneven watering.
Had a nice day yesterday, parked at the University Ave. train station and had a stress-free trip into and out of Boston. The weather was almost ideal, and I got back before the bulk of the rush hour traffic.
I wonder if it’s time to start thinking about taking the MSFT certification exams?