What I’d Like the Presidential Candidates to Say

Withdrawal from Iraq is a foregone conclusion, so for me, this is not a pivotal campaign issue.
Here’s a few I’d like to see discussed on the campaign trail:

A serious, well thought out proposal for prosecution and recovery of taxpayer funds from Iraq war profiteers.
Fix the criminal justice system. The US imprisons more of its citizens than most any other country but China and the dollar costs are gigantic. I’d like all those supposedly smart lawyers on the campaign trail to seriously discuss decriminalization of victimless crimes at the federal level. Prisons should be viewed as warehouses for sociopaths. For anyone else, there are more effective means of rehabilitation and restitution. Let’s hear some ideas that have been proven to work instead of platitudes.
We will have some form of national health insurance, and it should be sooner rather than later. Get some serious single-payer proposals on the table and a commitment to negotiate pharma discounts for Medicare.
Educational reform begins and ends with competence standards for teachers.
Fair trade works, but only with a level playing field. Senator Clinton is correct when she says that these are trickle down policies with no trickle down.
In other words, I’m waiting for Michael Bloomberg to announce.