Yesterday, P, B, the kids and I sallied forth to IKEA to check out storage units for Bob and James, whose room is in a state of perpetual chaos.

After checking out several options, we purchased two BLIMP storage units and sixteen blue bins.
The original plan was to get rid of the boys’ train table, which to the adults looked like a junk-collector, until we learned to our dismay that the boys cherish this particular piece of furniture. Tears ensued until we assured them that the beloved train table could stay, so long as the mess on top of it was cleaned up.
We also bought a cloth dragon, with pockets, for additional storage of small things. I suspect there will be more purchases in the future, once the room is refactored with the new items.
The big challenge is the boys’ closet, which is narrow, only about 20 inches wide. The oldest uses it as kind of a clubhouse now, with piles of magazines and comics.
I’m surprised that IKEA doesn’t have storage units for Cape-style houses with slanting second floor roofs above the knee wall. Guess they don’t build them that way in Sweden.