Geese overhead, first acorns on the ground, goldenrod everywhere, farmstands beautifully decorated with pumpkins, cornstalks and mums – we made it through summer, to the season we love the best.
I spent most of the weekend at a Microsoft Code Camp in Waltham, but left early to enjoy several hours of sunlight and good air.
The Code Camps, which have become international events, started in Waltham, and have become so popular that they’ve replaced Microsoft’s former multi-day regional developer training events.
They’ve become an opportunity to touch base with “the tribe”, and even though I found it hard to focus this time around, it was good to see that there’s still an active, engaged local developer community, even in such uncertain times.
Planted mums to fill in the garden in front of the fence, and sprayed polyurethane on a few gourds for the window boxes at #11.
This morning, noticed about a 45 degree shift in the location of sunrise since end of July.
The Harvest Festival is this Saturday, and we’ll be enrolling kids for the new Technology Workshop that starts mid-October. I’m hoping we get at least 6 kids per class.