
It’s finally starting to feel like Fall, and time to gear up for two nasty chores: the deck at Edgewater and thatching the lawn/lawns.

Today we went to the WWII air show. I got ready later than planned then made us even more off schedule by really messing up the location, but we spent as much time as Ron wanted. Then we went to Spaulding for the 2012 patient reunion.

We sat with a well-spoken lady from Falmouth and hope to talk with her husband about radon remediation.

The event was running quite late, though, and I’d planned to leave at 1 to go to New Bedford. So, we left before the lunch.

Turns out, the person I was planning to meet wasn’t coming in to the office. So, I managed to screw up our day. Ron was very understanding, much to his credit

I did some banking and paid some bills, rearranged the vine over the slider, watered and did a small amount of weeding in the front. Not bad, but pretty unsatisfactory, considering how I’d planned to spend the day.