Good Day

I picked up more Rot-Stop and sprayed the tomatoes.

Checked the Falmouth Enterprise for articles and letters for O-F. I think I’m finally caught up with everyone’s published works.

Decided to take the “new” a/c apart to figure out where the vibration is coming from. It seems to be inside the cooling mechanism, so nothing really to be done about it. We switched a/c’s and that should work; the house is very comfortable. I enjoyed poking around the innards.

Grilled a steak, very poorly, but it was such a fine piece of meat that it was delicious anyway. Fortunately, I froze the other steak.

Repotted the impatiens.

Solved a problem for Jim Burns this morning.

Did a small shop at Roche Bros. Did laundry and changed the sheets. Ron and I put up the screen and along with Fluffles, we ate supper in the “gazebo”. It was really REALLY nice.

Missed out on several activities, including Word Camp at BU, the parade of boats in Plymouth, a “happening” at Cotuit Center for the Arts and a soiree at Castle Hill. One of these days, I want to get to Blithewold.