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Eleanor Roosevelt recommended doing one thing a day that scares you. I do at least one thing every day that I’d rather not.

Sometimes it’s laundry, sometimes it’s a phonecall. Today I did four things that I would have rather not: washed Fluffles’ litter box; went food shopping; did some banking; and mowed the front lawn. I also dead-headed the roses.

Rockland now has the new ATMs, which made the banking part of the day much less onerous.

I usually don’t mind mowing the lawn, and it was a gorgeous day to be outside, perfect for the Mashpee High School graduation, which happened this morning. It was just hot enough, though, to be a little uncomfortable.

Ron tried to change the head on the trimmer but that didn’t work. At least, he got it running. I need to ask the repair people at Botello for help. They did a superb job on the lawn mower.

I need to do the transfer station run tomorrow, drop off a graduation gift, see a friend’s garden (I hope) and then meet “the girls” for Cathy’s birthday brunch. I’m looking forward to everything but the dump run. That’ll be my “rather not” for tomorrow.