Operation FALCON netted 10,340 fugitives and cleared more than 13,800 felony warrants.
But lest one get carried away with admiration, note that the U.S. Marshalls service used to conduct sweeps like this, back in the mid 80’s and 90’s. Why did they stop? Budget cuts.
So, where is all that money for Homeland Security being allocated? Not to patrolling our borders – that’s being done, down Arizona way, by ordinary citizens, the Minutemen.
Since they’ve permitted 10,380 escaped felons to run around merrily, what exactly have the reported 3,100 law enforcement from 25 federal agencies, 206 state agencies, 362 county sheriff’s departments and 366 police departments who participated in Operation FALCON been doing for the past 15 years?
And pray tell, HOW did 10,340 murderers, rapists, kidnappers and so on escape the not-so-long arm of the law in the first place? Try googling the phrase “walked out of jail” or “escaped prisoner”.
Last question: why did they conduct Operation FALCON now? PR, supposedly, but it failed: Operation FALCON stayed on the news for only about a day. There were more important things to report, like the badgering of prosecution witnesses at the Michael Jackson trial.
Now, THAT’s the kind of criminal justice story the American media loves and understands.