I was very happy yesterday and even today have some residual joy.
This is an answer to “when was the last time that I was happy?”
I finished a 90-day contract on a very good note. Work was completed on time and 8% under budget (I lost a week due to holidays and a power outage). It’s a nice application and will be very helpful to the customer.
We were able to complete a number of home improvements.
Fluffles is still doing reasonably well in spite of his age and a less than great annual checkup.
We’ve been favored, at last, with good sleeping weather.
Although Ron is prone to periods of depression, I’m still glad he’s here. He’s a major asset and I’m grateful for his physical and financial support as well as his caring presence.
I had fun yesterday visiting the South Shore AKC dog show across the street and a harvest festival in Bourne.
I will be even happier once Peter’s financial situation stabilizes.