Busy Saturday

Ron had a traffic accident just after he dropped me off at Hyannis Toyota to pick up the truck after the . No one was hurt, but what an irony, just sent the first premium in to Arbella for the new coverage.

We were able to pick up the truck yesterday, and I came close to blows with a self-indulgent customer who whined ad nauseum to one of the service techs about work that she wanted Toyota to pay for because she’s, well, her.

We bought Ron a Stihl trimmer which he loves. I had to go back for it because it wouldn’t fit in the van. We also picked up a 2-drawer file cabinet which Ron put together; it looks great.

Traffic was pretty horrible on Route 151.

I made a fast trip to the transfer station very late in the day.

We stopped at Cambridge Eye in Falmouth for an adjustment to Ron’s glasses. I deposited my paycheck at Rockland and mailed some bill payments. We stopped at Coonamessett for the items missing from our Thursday CSA order, including cheese.

I bought plants for the new front garden at Sandwich Agway and later on, a carpet rose at Mahoney’s. Picked up Blue Eyed grass, a bright pink yarrow, two Joe Pye, two Bee Balm and two phlox at 20% off.

Laura and Joe came over to chat, a nice break. We had ribs for supper.