Three Cups – of Male Chauvinist Piggery?

So, Greg Mortensen has been knocked off his pedestal, and the effectiveness of his mission, to fund the building of schools for girls in Afghanistan and Pakistan through private contributions, is being challenged.

Whether or not he’s a hero with feet of clay, Mortensen still deserves props for getting so many people interested in the transformative possibilities of educating girls and young women in Central Asia.

Even so, I’ve had no illusions about Greg Mortensen since reading his account of how he met and fell in love with his wife, Tara Bishop. She’s small and dark.

Same deal with Nicholas Kristof, whose wife is Asian and in his words, “hot”.

You won’t see either Mortensen or Kristof shilling for schools in places like Appalachia, where many of the children are fair-haired and blue-eyed.

Guess I find male chauvinist, racist piggery more disturbing than bad accounting and poorly executed good intentions.