Near the End of an Era

My friends Candy and John will be moving in less than two weeks. I don’t think anyone is real happy about it.

Besides missing them terribly, it dawned on me that I’ll also miss her family, to whom I’ve become very friendly: her two sisters, her brother-in-law, her children and grandchildren. I used to enjoy seeing them relaxing on her deck, and I’d come over to say hello, hospitality always being extended.

Candy’s been distributing gifts throughout the neighborhood, things she doesn’t want to move or store: semi-full bottles of liquor, a case of beer, and for Ron and me because we’re not drinkers, two lamps, lobster pot buoys, a bureau and a couple of swivel chairs.

She said last night that it’s rare to find a neighborhood where you could drop in to someone’s house in your pajamas, day or night. I think it’s just hitting her what she’ll miss when she’s no longer here, but we’re going to miss her even more. She’s been the ‘glue’ that’s held a lot of us together, if only for the once-a-year St. Patrick’s Day parties.

I’m just really sorry that she felt it necessary to leave.