
Unsettling to get up to darkness today, the first morning of this year’s Daylight Savings Time.

More dreams last night, one about a blond-haired delinquent boy who let loose a swarm of nasty, potentially poisonous flying critters that bite and then who started a fire that extinguished itself but left a mess in an outdoor grill.

An adult drew a picture of the critters and posted it on an information board. That was the sum of the inadequate response by those in authority to the danger: watch out, every man for himself.

In a different dream, I was a student but couldn’t remember the building where I kept my notes and study materials. I think someone tried to seduce me as I wandered around, confused and vulnerable.

I think this is the second recent dream in which I couldn’t remember where my belongings were.

Had my birthday brunch yesterday at Persy’s Place in the Inn on the Square in Falmouth. Nice meal, popular spot.

I’ve talked with Ron about my concerns that he may not be able to be a supportive partner. He tried to reassure me, which I appreciate, but his actions so far have not been comforting. Unlike Judy, I’m not on any of his insurances(!) He hasn’t provided for survivor benefits, either.