I did the transfer station run with Peter, had a fun excursion with the Kids to Yarmouth for Dairy Queen and a new Italian food shop, purchased a couple of special online Bay Area offers, changed out the filter in the water pitcher, got a hair cut, picked up refill meds at Stop & Shop and got a pedi.
I’d planned some of this for tomorrow, so it felt really great to get some tasks done today.
Fluffles is all set, I picked up his food last night, and Candy was nice enough to come over this morning so we could touch base.
That leaves tomorrow for laundry, litterbox, changing sheets and packing. Shouldn’t be too bad.
Right now, though, I feel so confused: here and there at the same time. 1969 and 2011 at the same time, Berkeley and Mashpee at the same time, single and married at the same time.