Shortest Day, Longest Night

Ron and I packed a lot into yesterday, the shortest day of the year.

I was up at 4 and got oatmeal started in the slow cooker.  After breakfast, Ron shoveled out the driveway while I cleared the back stairs and the truck.

We drove to the Sheraton in Hyannis for a Blue Cross/Blue Shield seminar on Medicare and their plans.  The speaker was excellent and we picked up a stack of printed plan descriptions and applications.

We stopped for lunch at Lambert’s, then dropped by the Sears outlet on Phinney’s Lane and the Sears store.  We found a great bathrobe and flannel pajamas on sale for Ron.

After that, we drove to the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds & Probate Building to pick up the can opener I won in a raffle for Mary.

I wanted Ron to see 6A.  We stopped at Sturgis Library, the oldest public library in the country and at the Friends meetinghouse in Sandwich, the oldest continuous Quaker meeting in North America.  We saw Lori at Lavender Moon and got cider and apples at Crow Farm.  We drove through Sandwich Center and picked up chicken pie at the Sandwich Lamberts, then shortbread at MacKillop’s in Forestdale.

I fell asleep very early.  We skipped supper.