Compare and Contrast

Ron has shared this blog with his friends so that they’ll get a better idea of the person he married, so here’s a little about how we differ and how we are the same.

He’s friendly and outgoing.  I’m reserved and taciturn with people I don’t know.

We are about the same age; I am 2 months older.

We are almost the same size, although he’s a bit taller.  We both had fair hair when we were little kids.  We both have blue eyes.

We both have arthritis, his is worse.  I have carpal tunnel, not bad enough yet for surgery.

He made his living through physical work as a stagehand.  I made my living first as a pension consultant, then as a compensation and benefits professional, and for the last 13 years as a computer programmer.

He does rough carpentry; I’m a gardener, happiest when I’m outside doing yard work of some kind or another:

He is left wing/progressive.  I’m libertarian, although the Libertarian Party has nominated some dismal Presidential candidates recently so I haven’t supported it for a while.

You know how much Ron loves music.  I like a lot of the same.

He has a pretty high “A” factor, having done things like diving into a quarry and water skiing at 60 miles per hour.  I don’t.

We are both of Scottish/English descent, although he has a bit of Irish background, too.  I don’t know who my father is and only met some of my mother’s family about eight years ago.  I hate adoption and would like to see it eradicated: guardianship, yes.  Adoption, no.

He grew up in New Hampshire.  I grew up in the Boston area and spent many hours commuting on public transportation and walking to school or to work.  After a couple of false starts, I graduated from the University of Massachusetts/Boston with a degree in mathematics.  I liked the gritty, no BS attitude of an urban school with a sense of social mission.

I have a 16 year old cat, Mr. Fluffles, whom I inherited from a friend.  Mr. Fluffles is grey and we think part Siberian, part Maine Coon.

I like to cook.

Pix for your viewing pleasure of where your friend will live when he moves to the Cape: Pix of our Reno elopement: