I’ve been having great, colorful dreams lately. It’s almost a shame to wake up.
I meet interesting people and go to places that have a high aesthetic.
Last night, I dreamed about a semi-estranged married couple.
I met them separately and took a liking to them individually, and they to me.
She was a New Age-type artist and intellectual, he did something with software which I don’t remember. They were both tall, thin, good-looking, charismatic people.
She asked me how old I was (64), so I wasn’t envisioning myself as a young person.
They chose to live in Rhode Island because it supported the lifestyle they wanted, which included a boat, and it was affordable. The town that was mentioned, though, Cumberland*, is about as inland as you can get in the Ocean State.
My interesting dreams take place in cities or at least in densely populated areas. According to dream interpretation, a busy city means riches. I was riding on a bus, also a good symbol; it means you are travelling to obtain your heart’s desire.
*There are other Cumberlands that are on the ocean, in PEI, Maine, Georgia.