
Had a good time sledding with the boys yesterday, and no one was hurt.
Picked up my order at Gourmet Gallery. Had done laundry and vacuuming in the morning. Rearranged the kitchen.
Today, I paid bills, unloaded the dishwasher, changed Fluffles’ litter, changed sheets, and loaded trash on the truck; had lunch, stopped in to Cirelli’s and Banker’s Life in Middleboro; redeemed deposit bottles, went to the transfer station, returned a library book.
Attached the cable drop to the rafters in the cellar and have been cleaning up the mess that used to be in the toolbox.
It infuriates me to think how much time and energy I had to spend on work, and the toll on me and the house. Between the yard and the interior, I’ve literally been working every day since June to get things into a minimal semblance of order, trying to correct over 8 years of neglect in a little more than 8 months.
No wonder I’m tired…