Gardener’s Diary

All in all, there are 87 perennials in the new gardens in the back.
I picked up some more today. This is a sickness, but I’m keen to get in on discounts early enough that the plants can get established before the first freeze.
I’m disgusted with the crabgrass, though, and the fact that it’s there at all is partially the fault of the stupid shed people, who refused to book my installation when they first promised.

If the shed had gone in yesterday as originally planned, then the hydroseeding could have been done today, and I wouldn’t be looking at ugly stubs of weeds, which I decided to mow to prevent them from seeding.
I’ve been working on getting more color in the back of the garden at the top of the “U”. I’m hoping that the full sun plants I put there will be okay. If not, I’ll have to use Chameleon, one of the few shade-loving species that has bright color.
I changed the lavender and like this arrangement much better. My favorite is the grass garden to the right of the bulkhead, which has turned out to be quite pretty. It’ll be great if the fragrance of lavender wafts inside.