The Next President

John McCain’s concession on Tuesday night was one of the best speeches I’ve heard him deliver, and it got me to thinking that my earlier inclination, to wish the Obama administration ill, was perhaps misguided.
For all his foibles, McCain is at heart a warrior, loyal to his chief, and that’s perhaps the way the rest of us should think about it as well, nonetheless keeping an eye on the stewpot.

This watcher of the stew is especially wary of Obama’s implementation of “actual coalitions of powers through which you bring about redistributive change” and his proposed Civilian National Security Force.
On a different topic, none other than the esteemed Wall Street Journal editiorialized that with Obama’s election, “perhaps we can put to rest the myth of racism as a barrier to achievement.”
Finally, this, from Rev. Eugene Rivers, the controversial Boston minister: “Racism is no longer the primary obstacle to black progress. With the election of a black man whose middle name is Hussein, the rhetoric of white racism is off the table. Black people don’t want to hear it. White people don’t want to hear it. . . . The old school is over.”