National (Bloody) Brotherhood Week

Between Sandra Bernhart’s cursing the “goyisha, shicksa” New Testament, Madonna’s screaming “I will kick (Sarah Palin’s) ass” and the cropping up of putrid green “Sarah Palin is a C*” t-shirts, it’s been all about the intolerance of the Obamacons this weekend and the MSM’s relative silence thereon, the LA Times being a notable exception.

Although it is hard to imagine, the MSM has worked itself into yet even more extreme paroxysms of fury over yet even more imagined evidence of racism on the part of the McCain campaign.
This time, they are screaming “racist” over Sarah Palin’s calling William Ayers, a White man, a terrorist (he was convicted of such in a court of law) and McCain’s vowing to “whip (Obama’s) ass” in this week’s Presidential debate.
Well, thank goodness McCain didn’t promise to hang Obama out to dry.
On the theory that one sees one’s worst fault in others, dare we speculate that Congressman John Lewis, NYT columnists like Frank Rich and even Google are really a racist at heart?
Oh, no, of course not.
Meanwhile, if you’re not convinced yet to vote Nader or a write-in for President, a peruse through Rolling Stone’s Make Believe Maverick just might convince you.
Finally, CEO’s favor McCain over Obama 4 to 1 in evaluating the impact of the candidates’ campaign policies on job creation and business growth.