More Good Reading

An analysis by John Coleman, Chair of the Department Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, shows that John McCain does, in fact, deserve the maverick mantle.
According to Professor Coleman, McCain bucked the Republican party line more consistently than either Obama or Biden differed from the Democrats. It’s a complex analysis and worth reading.

Meanwhile, Obama has proven that many Democrats were right: his campaign was far more competent than the candidate. The incredible blunder of not nominating Hillary Clinton for either the top or #2 stop is going to haunt the Democrats for years to come.
Regardless of who is elected in November, the next four to eight years are going to be a nasty, partisan ride.
And check this out:
In its new report, the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste gave the Republican presidential nominee a 100 percent rating for his votes in the Senate last year, and a lifetime score of 88 percent.
By comparison, the nonpartisan, nonprofit group, which is the lobbying arm of Citizens Against Government Waste, gave the Democratic presidential nominee a 10 percent score last year and a lifetime score of 18 percent. Biden, Obama