The solar panel inspection went very well and as a bonus, the inspector gave me a reason to get after Ron to clear his junk in front of the subpanel in the garage.

While waiting for Ron to get ready to go out, I cleaned the downstairs bathroom.
We traveled to the Mt. Greylock visitor center for a giveaway of Pollinator favorites. We were lucky, they’d had a late start so there were plenty of plants to choose from. I brought home seeds and two plants, foxglove and Echinacea and put them in the corner garden next to soakers. I may move them, just wanted to get them out of their containers.
We had lunch at the Food Project.
We are looking at possible thunderstorms later and more rain through the weekend. So after lunch Ron much to his credit mowed, front and back.
I emailed Burpee some photos of two of the plants they sent which are having problems.