I Worked

Ron did, too, eventually.

I/we managed to cleanup the left side yard. Even the horrible corner with the “Tree of Heaven”. We filled four bags, Ron took as many as he had time for to the transfer station. Got there with four minutes to spare!

Ron mowed the lawn yesterday and it looks fantastic. By lawn, I mean the collection of ground cover and grass in our yard.

We went to the Log Lunch yesterday. Showed up for the line at 11:30, but it looked like the big crowd got there around 11:40 or so.

We went to Ben’s first baseball game of the season, and he did very well. Bell came over to stand with us, which was fabulous of him. He asked how long it would take for a frog to get around the world: I figure about 7 months.

Tonight we went to a fine discussion and concert featuring the Eddie Henderson Quartet at the Manton Center.


I cleaned up on both side yards and made good progress on shoveling out the soil and tree debris in front of the driveway-side gate.

Bell helped me unload the logs in the back shed.

I forget what Ron got done today but I’m sure it was worthwhile.

May Day

Dropped off the check for the half-year property taxes.

Ron finished putting up the tool holder in the family room, and it is a very good addition!

Picked up lunches to go at the Food Project.

Seem to have made progress on Warranty.

Pruned and sprayed the roses off the deck.

Started clearing the plowed soil that was interfering with the right gate.

Ron met with Betsy et al at Five Corners yesterday on their way to NH.