Special Election Day

The knives were out this morning at the polls. Been a clean election so far, let’s hope it continues.

Did have a nice conversation with one of the Select Board members, though. The “opposition” was looking pretty good, thumbs up from voters and cheerful demeanors.

Now that the yard is in reasonable shape, I’m working on indoor “straightening out”.

Made a grooming appointment for Lizzie.

Ron slept in.

It sprinkled a bit, good for the grass seed.


Two workers from Bee Green got here around 8:30. They raked, leveled, loamed and seeded. Fantastic.

Am I ever glad I didn’t water today, or buy seed yesterday.

Took time off to watch “The Phantom of the Open” on the basement DVD (didn’t work upstairs) and the part of “Bull” that I missed last night.

Finished tying and anchoring the plants.

Ron finished his 18-day (September 14 to October 2) closet project yesterday, nailing the two brackets that we already had to studs after I painted everything. It was not necessary to take down and replace the shelf and pole a second (or would it have been the third) time.

Lizzie was restless last night and this morning, poor doggo.


I painted the last of the folding doors and staked some plants. Cleaned up a bit as well; Lizzie kept me company for a while. Back yard is starting to look better.

Did an hour standout for Michaela. Cool and a tad windy. Had a brief chat with a former special ed executive about adoption and foster care. She’s typical, blames the child’s genetics or prior experience when failure to engage happens, not of course the sainted adopto-raptors. She also has never observed narcissism in adopto-“mom”s.


Ron did a load of laundry, including one of Lizzie’s blankets.

Since I was already out, made the bagel run to Shaw’s and got some nice two-fers, including soup, ice cream and peanuts.

Did a bunch of work afterwards including tying up bushes and replanting the poor Roses of Sharon. Ron did help by digging/pulling out a rebar that was bent in not one but two places.

StandOuts, Yardwork

Ron trekked to Home Depot yesterday for wood stain. We didn’t see the painter, but we can always do this ourselves if necessary.

I enjoyed the Orange Day standout at the rotary last evening. The gang was there.

It was beautifully organized, a sea of orange shirts and flags. The Tribe held a dinner afterwards, but I went home.

Did some cleanup of the “oval” and “U” areas yesterday. If we were staying put, I might even have put a small patio with firepit and chairs in the cleared area.

Michaela cancelled this morning’s standout, so I get to work some more in the yard.