I’ve been mulling over my doc’s suggestion that I find activities outside the house. She herself is extremely social; I can’t remember all the clubs and societies she belongs to.
Anyway, I browsed through the local meetups and library activities and found a book club at the Falmouth library that sounds good.
So, I was able to borrow a copy of the book they are reading for their next meeting, Sarah Vowell’s The Wordy Shipmates from the Sandwich Library, who kindly held their copy for me.
My card had expired, so they gave me a new one, and on the way out, I noticed they are offering “Girls Who Code” starting in January. I left a note for the instructor to call me if she needs a T/A.
After the library, we went to Titcomb’s with the intention of browsing, but found Christmas gifts for both of us, two decks of Yoga exercise cards. The salesperson even wrapped them beautifully for us.
This morning, I set up the little electric fireplace in the downstairs room and confirmed that the remote works. Can’t remember what we did this afternoon after the bookstore, though.