Nader Is Wrong

Bernie Sanders rose in the polls because he’s a creation of the media – same as Donald Trump.

Ralph Nader claims Bernie won in the open primary states.  That is a lot of hooey: Mississippi, Illinois, Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina, Texas, Alabama, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Ohio, North Carolina, and South Carolina, which have open primaries, went with Clinton (13) and seven went with Sanders.

Bernie did the best in caucus states, which is about as non-democratic as you can get.

Besides, Clinton thumped him in the popular vote by almost 3.8 million.

States with an open presidential primary

92 Cents

Saved by drying two loads of clothes outside.

Fed up with Long Term Care carrier BS.  Have a call in to UMB/Alumni Association.

Eye checkup today; new doc in Mashpee!

Transplanted a poor azalea.  I have horrible luck with azaleas, except for “Pretty” in the front.

Iris and foxglove have been spectacular this year.

Garden Update

Watered the fence gardens and the rhodies.  Spinosad on the rhodies.  Watered small trees and the grass transplant.  Booked a couple of doctor appointments.

Mighty t-storm in NY, heading Northeast.  Might arrive by 5 or 6.

CSA, Watering

Watered the roses, vegetable gardens, small grass “islands”, transplants and the corner garden.  Fed Neptune’s to the shade plants.

Left a message for WeedMan to please take a look at the back lawn.  Summer Patch?

Picked up produce at the CSA.

Signifying Nothing

I wouldn’t bet on Bernie Sanders’ staying power or the inevitability of his “revolution”.

The media created Sanders, same way that the media created Trump, and as with any media creation, Sanders is but
“a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing..”

Evening in the Garden; Transplant

I’ve been annoyed with myself for years for the poor placement of a very pretty grass, so I moved it today to create a vignette with the butterfly bush.

Laura and I sat in on the Evening in the Garden, which was about:

  • perennials (prune vigorously to give them light and air; keep your shears sharpened; avoid new species in their first year; create an easy to maintain border).
  • iris: Siberians like water, the rest don’t, so plant in full sun; use bone meal; pick off gone-bys and ugly leaves and roots.
  • hydrangeas: tough year for Hydrangea macrophylla like our big ones in the front; prune back the dead stems.  We saw a gardener divide a massive, 300 pound hydrangea root ball that looked like an underground tree trunk with a recipro saw.

Wrote to WCAI and The Enterprise about the shenanigans at the SPEA.  Found a sympathetic ear online and across the street!

Splurged on Roche Bros prepared salads for supper: so good!