Leaves, Fence, Acetaminophen, Plants, Grow Lamp

Have been raking leaves the last two days, the front yesterday and the driveway side today.

Ron and I figured out a good way to anchor the corner garden fence.  We got the front fence installed today.

My plants* arrived yesterday from White Flower Garden!  I started acclimatizing them, gave them a good watering and put them on the deck near the outdoor shower for several hours today .  Am keeping them in the basement for the remaining hours.

The grow lamp arrived today, so I can start my seedlings this weekend.

*Agastache Blue Fortune, Coreopsis Verticillata Moonbeam, Echinacea Powwow Wild Berry, Phlox Blue Paradise, Salvia X Sylvestris May Night.

One (No, Two) Very Well-Informed FB Posters


Is Bernie Sanders qualified to be president, when his entire reason for running – Hillary voting to topple Saddam and taking bank and PAC money – is based on attacks which also apply to him?
Is Bernie qualified after voting to topple Saddam in 1998, five years before Hillary did?
Is Bernie qualified after giving speeches to Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, and taking their money, and repaying them by deregulating the OTC market which caused the 2008 crash, and then lying about it all?
Is Bernie qualified after he spent all day showing the NY Daily News that he has no clue about virtually any policy topic, because he has done as little policy homework as Donald Trump has?
Is Bernie qualified when he central policy theme – breaking up the banks – is rooted in complete and total ignorance of the Dodd-Frank system which already regulates those banks?
Is Bernie qualified when he makes incessant demands that Hillary be transparent, and then hides his financial records so no one knows how much he invested in dirty drug companies and fracking companies?
Is Bernie qualified when he’s incapable of treating women with respect, even his own wife?
Is Bernie qualified to be the Democratic nominee after his relentless campaign to attack the Democratic party, attack party rules, attack party delegates, attack the party chair, attack party allies like Planned Parenthood and Dolores Huerta, illegally burglarize party computer servers and then sue the party when he gets caught, try to primary Democrats out of office, and refuse to help elect the Democratic Congressmen he needs to pass his nutty socialist programs?
Is Bernie qualified when his sleazy campaign has been caught cheating on FEC rules, taking illegal foreign money, sending thugs out to intimidate caucus voters, cheating the system to bring Republican voters in to our primaries and keep Democrats out, falsely claiming veterans endorsed him, illegally preventing Spanish-speaking voters from getting voting instructions in their own language, and launching attacks on Hillary in conjunction with the GOP and Rove and the Kochs and their PACs?
Is Bernie qualified after his endless stream of dishonest smear attacks, blaming Hillary for everything from the BP oil spill to the collapse of the auto industry which began in the 1970s?

Let’s ask the voters of New York who’s qualified. The state that sent her back to the Senate by a margin of 67 to 31 because they saw her performance in the Senate.

Dawn Dickson Bonnie Jene, BRAVO! I’m definitely borrowing!

To Bernie supporters, tell me one thing – just one – that Bernie yells about that we haven’t ALL thought about. Break up the banks with legislation? Gee, you think? Free tuition? Who wouldn’t want that? Single payer? Hell, yes! Denmark and Norway manage it? Thanks for telling us, Bernie!

Its not that we don’t know any of this. We know the billionaires are stepping on our necks and strangling us. The only thing Bernie does is scream about it at the top of his lungs, and tell us that he’ll lead an overthrow to fix it, while no one else cares, and does anything. No, its just that no one else is foolish enough to yell about revolution.

What I’m shocked about are the numbers of people falling for this. A revolution? Seriously? WHAT revolution? When he’s asked how to implement free tuition – not even how he pays – he righteously goes on about how he, Bernie, will blow into Washington with hundreds of thousands of angry millennials at his back, demanding not to have to be in debt for life to get an education. Unlike his rabid fans, this didn’t make me cheer my tv screen and fling my arms heavenward with rapturous joy thinking our savior has arrived, blow the horns! I thought “So? Does this guy really think that righteous indignation is going to make these clowns in Washington give a rat’s ass and legislate what he wants?”

It has nothing to do with wanting what he espouses. He has zero chance of enacting any of it. He’d spin his wheels and go exactly nowhere. He’s an angry, old, thin-skinned agitator with few friends in the beltway. He’s excellent at shouting and getting people riled up. It pretty much stops there unless he’s preaching to a friendly Congress.

Speaking of which, we actually CAN change things. The boring way, by voting out Teabaggers and voting in Progressives. We outnumber them. But here’s the catch: we have to show up to vote. Vote until we get them out and reasonable people in. But, I guess that’s not exciting enough for millennials and antiestablishment spoilers. You know, the ones who, by refusing to vote actually HELPED elect the idiots now governing us, and now want to shriek that overthrow is the only way! No, its not. You just want the French Revolution because its more exciting, and you’ve allowed yourself to be conned that its going to happen by being led by an old, white Jewish guy from the northeast who’s been shouting for 40 years. It would be funny if it wasn’t so ludicrous. Try voting for the nominee instead of threatening to act like petulant toddlers if Bernie doesn’t clinch.

But, when no one vets your comments or holds what you say up to the light of day, or holds your feet to the fire because they’re too busy shredding the other candidate, you can get away with squawking about whatever you please.

Here’s what Bernie and his rabid zealots are pissed off about: they want more attention, but on THEIR terms. The ones that hold Bernie up as the pillar of virtue who will lead the way and save the day by toppling Washington with a wave of his hand, bringing about revolution. We won’t even discuss his investments, or his fundraisers for high end donors.

And, now desperate because he can’t catch Hillary in the primaries, the man who swore up and down how he would NEVER, EVER run a negative campaign, now screams HILLARY is unfit to be the President?

Snow and Rain

100_6771 100_6768Sun and snow off and on yesterday, fierce wind gusts.  Chunks of ice fell from the trees, felt like being in a refrigerator.  Today it’s snowy and rainy, turning to snow later.

Brought Ron to the dentist for a cleaning today, plundered for bagels at the Senior Center and picked up his prescription at S&S.

Ron got his first Meal on Wheels and enjoyed it.

Mass. tax refund arrived and Peter had deposited a partial rent payment, so I made a soggy trip to the bank and then to Roche for crackers and ice cream.

Woodpecker at the suet feeder this morning.  Grackles?  Lots of activity right now.

Took care of a couple of changes for NEPS.

Threw supper together – baked fish, asparagus, bread pudding with ginger ice cream – and gave Robert a lift home from work.

Good Saturday; Snow Sunday

Went to a meeting of the Highfield Gardeners in the morning and a “Meet Your Local Farmer” event at the Harwich Community Center in the afternoon.  Stopped by Hart Farm in Dennis on the way home.

Bought kale, Dahlia tubers, summer bulbs and more bird seed.  Ordered pollinator plants from White Flower Farm for the corner garden.  Hung a suet block on one of the crooks.

As nice as my day was, Ron’s was yet another exercise in frustration with his so-called user-friendly Apple hardware.

Right now, it’s snowing, but a couple of intrepid birds and one squirrel are foraging seeds on the deck nonetheless.

A Little Perspective, Please

John Smith ·

You seem to be confused. Let’s put this in perspective.

Only one candidate is being officially investigated for voter fraud. His name rhymes with Erine Banders. (http://www.wmur.com/…/city-clerk-turns-over…/38089238)

Only one candidate stole data (http://time.com/4155185/bernie-sanders-hillary-clinton-data/)

Only one candidate lied about endorsements (http://www.politifact.com/…/bernie-sanders-ad-claims…/)

Only one candidate has been threaten with a lawsuit over false endorsements (http://www.theblaze.com/…/american-legion-threatens…/)

Only one candidate has required AARP to put out a statement over his claim of endorsement (http://states.aarp.org/aarp-statement-in-response-to…/)

Only one candidate has used photos unethically (http://www.vnews.com/…/02/b1-SandersMailers-mhh-vn-020716)

Only one candidate has had a complaint filed against him for violating Federal Election Laws (http://www.wmur.com/…/former-nh-house-speaker…/38563534)

Ron’s New Phone; Checkup; Donated Blood; Fixed Dupes; ByeBye Lion; I’m In

Ron got his new iPhone from Credo yesterday. He also had his stiches removed and a very upbeat checkup.

I donated blood at the mobile unit in the Stop & Shop parking lot. Tight quarters but everyone was cheerful, much to their credit.

Fixed NEPS preowned duplicate requests. Should have done this a while back but it only became a problem recently.

Stopped work at White Lion. Got some new projects from Jim.

As of May 17, I will be an elected official of the Town of Mashpee. Two slots, two candidates.