Was curious: do people who “know” music think modern composers compare favorably to the big 3? Sampled Britten, Maw, Hindemith, Boulez, Messiaen, Stravinsky. Listening with pleasure to Top Tracks for Leoš Janáček
We spent yesterday afternoon at Edgewater: snow removal day 5. Ron de-iced more gutters. I did some shoveling on the deck and in the front, including unburying the laurel on the right side, and broke up the table on the deck.
Bought a 44 pound bag of ice melt for Edgewater. Ron bought YakTrax for us.
Peter had a minor car accident the night before last. Yesterday, after the Senior Center, Ron picked him up from Access and dropped him off at Cape Cod Coffee.

I had some good-natured fun with Peter on Twitter after he blasted us for blocking his car yesterday.
Purchased another software utility this morning to clean up the registry.
Figured out a little more about GitHub yesterday, uploaded my schedule project.
Ron picked up a pile of wine bottle boxes from Kappy’s for our second bedroom project. I loaded up four of them today with office supplies. At this point, the black bookcase and contents are all downstairs. That leaves only the white credenza for the majority of my “stuff”; except for one or two shelves of books, the rest is Ron’s.
The orange cat was outside today at the foot of the now-cleared bulkhead.
Cormier’s had a cancellation, so Ron dropped off his van this morning. They found and fixed the problem/s within a few hours. Relief that it wasn’t worse news.