Watered four sections of the yard today: the vegetable garden, the country garden and two sections in the back.
Month: June 2012
Good Stuff Sometimes Happens
Today was a good one.
Ron took a shower, his first with the new tub seat, and loved it.
One of the three scratch tickets we gave Cathy had a $100 winner, and she was thrilled.
My friend Lori and her husband Donald were very pleased with the color photo from last week’s local paper of their oldest son receiving his scholarships.
I did the transfer station run and picked up a couple of on-sale perennials.
1800 Posts
Eleanor Roosevelt recommended doing one thing a day that scares you. I do at least one thing every day that I’d rather not.
Sometimes it’s laundry, sometimes it’s a phonecall. Today I did four things that I would have rather not: washed Fluffles’ litter box; went food shopping; did some banking; and mowed the front lawn. I also dead-headed the roses.
Rockland now has the new ATMs, which made the banking part of the day much less onerous.
I usually don’t mind mowing the lawn, and it was a gorgeous day to be outside, perfect for the Mashpee High School graduation, which happened this morning. It was just hot enough, though, to be a little uncomfortable.
Ron tried to change the head on the trimmer but that didn’t work. At least, he got it running. I need to ask the repair people at Botello for help. They did a superb job on the lawn mower.
I need to do the transfer station run tomorrow, drop off a graduation gift, see a friend’s garden (I hope) and then meet “the girls” for Cathy’s birthday brunch. I’m looking forward to everything but the dump run. That’ll be my “rather not” for tomorrow.
Truck passed inspection today. Had oil change at Cormier’s.
Light rain this morning.
Looks like the Jasmine may have buds? Buds on the Wisteria as well? Flowers on the beans and one of the tomato plants from the sale at Roche. Have been picking strawberries, at least a handful a day. Lettuce, too. The beans are growing like mad. The transplanted astilbe seem to be doing great.
Good Day
Yes, the sun was out. I got the transfer station run done. I insisted that Peter stay put to take care of his broken toe. The evil vacuum cleaner has been consigned to an ignominious end in the used furniture section.
Got to Spaulding as Ron was starting his PT session. It was great to have an opportunity to talk with his therapist. He’s doing extremely well; he achieved 100 degrees of knee flexion. He said it felt amazing to be able to bend his knee, something he hasn’t been able to do for a long time.
Tied up the rest of the roses this morning. Went to Home Depot and Scenic Roots.
Made a really nice pizza for supper. Listened to Jorge Calandrelli’s gorgeous arrangements in Tony Bennett’s Duets II.
Girl Scouts, Rain
We’ve received an inch of rain, a lot of which came as a deluge. Great for the gardens but lousy for the 2,000 Girl Scouts and their intrepid leaders who camped out this weekend at the Fairgrounds.
I went over last night to volunteer and helped out with the carnival. I was responsible for the duck pond and gave away as many tickets (to be redeemed for prizes) as I could. As one of the other volunteers said, the girls were really good sports in spite of the weather, and the whole point was to help them have fun.
I stopped off at the DJ event afterwards. I was amazed at the kids and their joie de vivre. What a great bunch! Makes me wish Ron and I had given Peter a sister. Too bad I didn’t track him down when it might have been possible to do that. Oh, well.
Cut Flowers from My Garden
Gardener’s Diary
Planted the morning glories yesterday. Have been harvesting lettuce and strawberries. It’s raining, thank goodness. What a great feeling.
Transplanted the last astilbe. Mowed the back and side yards last evening. Flipped the chairs in the living room so mine is now closer to the a/c.
Ron may be discharged on Tuesday. He’s working very hard on his PT. A woman from Post O’Connor called yesterday, giving “manic” a new dimension.
I met with a new counselor yesterday. I think she’s the right ticket. I’ve felt so much pressure, to fulfill expectations. It’ll be a relief to adjust them downward.