Good Day

Candy and John came over for supper. Started a beef stew this morning, served hot rolls and blueberry pie with ice cream.

Kept it simple since we’d planned to do outdoor work. I had a disastrous time making waffles this morning, ended up with pancakes.

Ron picked up some supplies at Home Depot. I mowed and cleaned up in front, filled two wheelbarrels full. Tried out the new lawn sweeper here and at Edgewater.


It’s over: Halloween, P&B’s anniversary, hurricane Sally, last week’s transfer station run.

We had around 63 trick-or-treaters this year.

I left the office around 2:30. Met Ron at Edgewater to load up the truck for the transfer station: tree limbs, yard clippings, piles of recycling, trash.

Came back to make supper – steak, baked potatoes, asparagus – and to put out more decorations.

The kids shrieked with delight at Ron’s getup. Fun night, and I’m sad that it’s over so soon.

Gardener’s Diary/Yard Work

In spite of strong gusts, Frankenstorm did very little damage to either yard. We cleaned up branches at both. I did some raking here and put down compost on the right side of the “U” and a little in the vegetable garden; more to follow.

Ron bought some more rebar and reinforced the trellis. We worked until it started to thunder and rain.

3 Down, 1 to Go

Finished day 3 of a 4-day travel/work/conference marathon that started on Thursday.

I’d signed up to volunteer at Connecting for Change in New Bedford. In exchange, I got one day of regular attendance, which I elected to do on Friday, day 2 of the “marathon”. Tomorrow, day 4, is my volunteer day, but the conference will end at 3:30. Last Thursday, the first day of the marathon, was orientation for volunteers, and that took place after work.

Today, day 3, I attended a terrific WordCamp in Providence. Learned a lot and had my head turned around from back end to front end development.

I went back and forth on whether I had to stamina to handle four days straight. For example, I thought about taking the bus to Providence today, but the fare would have been $50 round trip. We got discounted parking, so even with the cost of gas, the trip didn’t come to nearly that much.

I thought about grabbing a hotel room or rooms, but the least expensive I found was over $50.

The weather has been great, the calm before the storm, so travel hasn’t been a problem at all.

One more to go, then I can concentrate on storm preparation.

Gardener’s Diary

Watered at Edgewater. Ron, Peter and I got caught up.

Picked up Holly Tone and Rose Tone at Waquoit Feed & Garden. Fed and watered everything but (duh) the holly.

Listened off and on to TEDx New England.

Ron had an appointment at Beltone.

Signed both properties up for heating system service contracts with the gas company.

Water Filter

Changed the filter in the water pitcher today.

Planted the liatris, weeded, watered, did some Fall cleanup. Ron’s been working on the deck at Edgewater. Finally filled in and seeded the area dug up for septic tank pumping. Made fish chowder with salmon poaching broth and hake.