Friends graciously invited us to dinner and to stay overnight. We briefly toured after breakfast, visiting the town hall and the wharf area.
Author: thecapeblog
Dainty Dishes
New Year’s Resolutions
I will try to rein in my temper with Ron.
He will try to express himself more explicitly to me.
We’d like to finish siding the house.
We want to pay off the Home Depot account.
I will (as last year) send cards for each birthday and anniversary.
We will lower our relative expectations.
Now that he’s been repaired and rehabbed, Ron wants to get more exercise and maybe bring home some bacon.
Uncle Frank passed away this morning. He was 96 and lived at home until the last 5 days. He had by my reckoning 45 immediate family members, including in-laws.
Woods Hole New Year’s Day Parade
House, on New Year’s Eve
Sandwich First Night
Bell ringing at First Church, pickup jazz combo at the Glass Museum and hot chowder at St. John’s. Pastry from the Dunbar Tea Room. Giant puppets.
As we were walking down the street, Ron started talking in his duck voice.
Ron (loudly) “You didn’t know you married a duck, did you? Well, now you do.”
Me “And so does everyone else”.
Sympathetic woman bystander “That’s okay.”
This week ended with bad news about two people we know, Bonnie’s mother and an old friend of Ron’s. Judy is in Intensive Care and we just found out that Ron’s friend passed away of lymphoma on December 10.
We’d planned a couple of cheery errands today and were so glad for the diversion.
Made another trip to Sid Wainer and the produce stand in New Bedford. Picked up coffee and day-olds from Uncle Jon’s on the way. Stopped at the Wareham Y but couldn’t get the special membership deal straightened out. Hope it happens next week.
It’s supposed to snow tonight, possibly several inches, so we did the transfer station run today and picked up a raincheck item at Stop & Shop. Also dropped in to Sea Mist with a few questions.
We shut off the water here and disconnected and put away the hoses.
I got new tires for the truck yesterday!
Christmas 2012
This was Christmas dinner, using recipes and a few ingredients from Sid Wainer: ham; dry sautéed brussel sprouts with cranberries and maple syrup; black rice with mango and orange chunks in a lime juice/fish sauce/oil dressing; lentil, beet, pepper-crusted bacon and goat cheese salad with vinaigrette; sparkling cider.
I’ve been feeling punk for a couple of days and was not looking forward to cooking, so Ron, Mr. Fluffles and I took a nap until about 1:30. Afterwards, we prepped and chopped up a storm. Took us a couple of hours to prepare the meal, but it was well worth it.
Last night, after a very nice Christmas Eve dinner with friends, Ron gave me a beautiful lingerie set and a pair of slippers. We also got a grill light for the Weber.